Our purpose is to bring is to bring families together to “worship God in spirit and in truth” with our “blended worship” services that unite the generation gap to form a godly community.


 This body shall be called “First Shiloh Baptist Church,” which is located at 420-424 Main Street, Orange, NJ 07050.


For the more certain preservation and security of the principles of our faith and to the end that this body may be governed in an orderly manner consistent with the accepted tenets of the Southern Baptist Churches; and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of this church and the freedom of action of this body with respect to its relation to other churches of the same faith, we do declare and establish this by-law (constitution).

The church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control.  Recognizing, however, the benefits of cooperation with other churches in world missions, this church voluntarily affiliates with the Southern Baptist Convention, its state convention, Metropolitan New York Baptist Association (MNYBA) and local expressions, such as Baptist Convention of New York (BCNY).


 We accept the Articles of “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention, which was revised and adopted in June 14, 2000, which can be viewed with the following link: https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/.


Our Mission is to be a Christian church that “worship God in spirit and in truth” with our “blended worship” services that unite the generation gap to form a godly community which is biblically and intellectually trained, compassionate to the needy, fosters fellowship among believers, and impact non-believers to enter into a personal relationship with God.

 The church will accomplish this mission through the three C’s: the worship services (CELEBRATION), home groups and fellowship (CARE), and an in depth Bible study and discipleship programs (CONTENT).


 Our Vision is to:

1. Offer to God blended-worship-services that are traditional, contemporary, and appealing

2. Promote structured up-to-date Bible teachings to the community and an open door for theological seminary internship

3. Call full-time ministers who are trained Biblically, Theologically & Psychologically

4. Create a Foundational Structure that Offers Longevity and Permanence for at least 5,000 members

5. Become a model church in the community by the impact of our worship services, bible teachings and unity

6. Organize different community programs that brings career awareness and educational trainings in order to help transport people out of Poverty and Illiteracy

7. Generate biblical and social programs that are sensitive to the needs of those that are being ignored in our community, such as the elderly, single adults, infants, and so forth

8. Build a “Center of Refuge” for those who are sick spiritually, depressed, stripped, and marginalized so they can find love, acceptance, hope and encouragement in order to bring them to Christ.



 Membership in this church shall consist of all persons who have met the qualifications for membership and are listed on the membership roll.


 1-             A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation

2-             Baptism as a testimony of the salvation in Christ

3-             Meet with two members from the deacon board for an Interview

4-             Completion of the church’s membership class

5-             A public commitment, during one of our quarterly members’ meeting 

6-             To abide by the membership covenant as described in ARTICLE 7 of the church by- laws/constitution


 The responsibilities of membership are described in the membership covenant as presented in ARTICLE 7 of the church by-laws.


 Every resident member shall have the right to vote on the following matters: 

·      The annual budget of the church

·      The confirmation of officers not already assigned (as standing officers)

·      The disposition of substantially all of the assets of the church

·      The merger or dissolution of the church

·      The acquisition of real property and any indebtedness related thereto

·      The amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or bylaws of the church

·      The calling of a pastor or an ordain minister

·      The additional matters at the discretion of the Administrative Team


   Members shall be removed from the church roll for the following reasons:

  1. Death

2. Transfer of membership to another church

3. Personal request of the member, via a written record of this request

4. Dismissal by the Administrative Team, based on the recommendation of the deacon board and the senior pastor, according to the following conditions:

a. The member’s continued conduct indicates intent to hinder the purpose, vision and mission of the church as a whole.

b. The member’s continued conduct indicates there is a willful decision to disobey the church constitution, the covenant and the dress code.

c. The member’s continued conduct in being a nuisance, a disturbance and a distraction to the daily routines of the church.

d. The member’s continued conduct in displaying a lack of respect for the leadership of the church and the other members.

N.B. - Procedures for the dismissal of a member shall be pursued only under extreme conditions as determined by the Administrative Team in collaboration with the Deacon Board and the Senior Pastor.  Only after reconciliation, as directed in Matthew 18:15-17, is unattainable would membership termination be considered.  The goal of the church leaders will always be “appeasement and reconciliation.”


Members dismissed by the Pastor, Deacon Board and Administrative Team shall be restored by the counsel of the Deacon Board and the Administrative Team and be reinstated by the church body as stipulated in Article 6, Section II of the church by-laws, and in accordance with the spirit of the text in 2 Corinthians 2:7-8.


 Voting by proxy is prohibited; however, in situations such as unalterable travel plans, absentee ballots may be obtained from the church office, at least one week prior to a scheduled vote.  An individual obtaining an absentee ballot must be a member of the church in good standing, and must pick up and register that vote in a personal or physical visit to the church office in the presence of at least two of the leaders.


 A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of the members of the church in attendance at the regularly scheduled quarterly business meeting (not less than 20%).  A quorum for the transaction of specially called business meetings shall consist of no less than ten percent (10%) of the resident membership of the church, except for the call or termination of a Pastor at which time forty percent (40%) of the resident membership is required.  All members present are eligible to one vote; the absentee ballots must be conformed to ARTICLE 6, Section VII.



 Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We engage therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit:

    • To walk together in Christian love

    • To strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort

    • To promote its prosperity and spirituality

    • To sustain its worship, ordinances, disciple, and doctrines

    • To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the gospel through all the nations


 We pledge with the help of the Holy Spirit:

 1. To walk together in Christian Love (Mark 12:31; John 15:12-17; Rom 12:10; 

1 Cor 13:1-13; 16:14; 1 Peter 4:8)

2. To seek for the salvation of others (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; 1 Cor 9:16; 

2 Tim 4:2)

3. To live as wise people in the world (Eph 5:8, 15-16; 1 John 2:6; Eph 4:1-2

4. To be fair in our business dealings, faithful in keeping our commitments, and live by example through our conducts (Ezek 33:31; 1 Tim 3:8 ; 4:12; 2 Thess 1:11; 2 Cor 8:8; Titus 2:7; 1 Cor 11:1).

5. To refrain from gossiping, slandering, and excessive anger (1 Cor 7:5; 2 Cor 12:20; Gal 5:23; James 1:26; 1 Pet 3:10; 2 Pet 1:6).

6. To refrain from selling and consuming intoxicated alcoholic beverages (1 Tim 3:8; Eph 5:18; Titus 2:3).

7. To use our influence to fight against illegal drugs and the promotion of pornography

8. To exercise zeal in our efforts to advance the kingdom of God (Rom 12:11; 

2 Tim 4:2).

9. To help one another in sickness or in distress (Gal 6:2; James 5:14-16).

10. To cultivate a Christian attitude of sympathy, compassion, care, and courtesy in the way we communicate.

11. To be slow in reacting towards anger, but always ready to reconcile (Gal 5 :23; 2 Tim 3:3; 2 Pet 1:6; Mat 5:23-24; 6:14-15; Luke 17:3-4).

12. To actively participate in at least one of the church’s ministries (Acts 2:42; 

James 1:25; Heb. 10:25).

13. To contribute with our tithes and offerings towards the financial growth of the 

church (Lev 27:30; Mal 3:8-10; 2 Cor. 9:7).


 Business meetings of the members shall be held at the times, in the manner, and for the purpose set forth below: 

1 -        An annual business meeting of the church will be held at the end of the fourth quarter of each calendar year.  The purpose of this meeting is to adopt an annual budget, confirm officers as needed, and conduct any other business listed in Article 6, Section IV.

2 -        Quarterly business meetings for the members are scheduled for financial reports, to present new candidates for membership, to vote on current major decisions, to inform them on the current events, and for vision casting.

3 -        The administrative Team with the Senior Pastor may change the dates of the annual or other scheduled business meetings by notifying the members as provided in the bylaws.

4 -        A special business meeting of the church may be called at any time by the Senior Pastor.  This special meeting, however, is subject to the notification requirements of number 5 below.

5-         Members shall be notified no less than two (2) weeks prior to a meeting which considers any matters set forth in ARTICLE 6, Section IV of the bylaws.

6 -        Notification of members for business meetings shall include the time and location of the meeting, as well as the intended purpose or agenda for that meeting, and shall be given by any one of the following methods:

a. Distribution of written material to the congregation in attendance at a Sunday Celebration or worship service. 

b. Announcement of the meeting in the church newsletter

  c. Oral announcement to the congregation at a Sunday worship service

  d. First-class letter to the members

7 -        For the decisions to be valid, there must be a quorum and a quorum shall consist of those members present and voting, but the quorum must be conformed to Article 6, Section VIII.



 The senior pastor as the officer of the church is hereby designated as the Director of the church, andthereby Director or Officer or any other suitable titles of the corporation as the term is defined and used in the Nonprofit Corporation Code 501(c) 3.


 It shall be the duty of the officer to act as legal representative of the church and to take such actions and execute any documents necessary to accomplish the purpose of any matter authorized by the members, which concern any real or personal property of the church.


 An ordained Baptist minister shall be chosen when a vacancy occurs.  A Pulpit Committee composed of five to seven church members and having an active deacon as its chairman shall be elected by the church to seek out a suitable pastor.

1 -        While the committee may consider several candidates simultaneously for the position, the committee shall bring only one candidate at a time before the church for consideration.  The committee’s recommendation will constitute a formal proposition to fill the vacancy.

2 -        The recommended minister, Pulpit Committee, Administrative Committee and deacons shall have a council meeting to understand church organization and to consider pastoral duties, privileges and remuneration.  If the minister feels led to this church field, the Pastor and the Search Committee shall present his name to the church members along with the pastoral duties, privileges and remuneration agreed to during the council meetings.

3 -        Election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose with at least one week’s public notice being given.  Election shall be by count of hands or secret ballot, whichever the church membership desires.  The election and the voting must be conducted in accordance with Article 6.  After verifying that a quorum is present, an affirmative vote of 75% is needed of those who are present, and shall be necessary to constitute a call to the position of pastor.

4 -        The Pastor thus elected, shall serve until the relationship is terminated by mutual consent or by thirty (30) day notice by either party in accordance with Article 6, Section VIII.


 This church shall call or employ such ministers and staff, as the church shall need.  A job description shall be written when the need for a position is determined.

 Church ministers and staff shall be recommended to the church by the Pastor and Staff Development Committee in consultation with the deacons and will be called and employed by the Administrative Team.  Each minister shall serve until the relationship is terminated either by mutual consent or by thirty (30) day notice by either party in accordance with Article 6 of the church by-laws.

 The followings are the present and future staff positions of the church:


1 -        Senior Pastor**                                   9 -        The church secretary

2 -        Pastor of Music**                               10 -      Lay Ministry Director

3 -        Youth & Young Adults Pastor           11 -      Elderly Ministry Director

4 -        Executive/Administrative Pastor**    12 -      Pianist or/and Organist

5 -        Minister of Education                         13 -      Sound Engineer

6 -        Children Ministry Director                 14 -      Video Producer or Cameraman

7 -        Single Adults Minister                        15 -      Counseling & Visitation Pastor

8 -        Married Couples Minister                  16 -      Church Custodian


The senior pastor shall have full supervision of the ministerial and office staff.  As the church grows, new staff members will be added.  They may choose from the lay ministries to promote to staff position, part-time or full-time or they may search for an outside person if no one in the membership of the church qualifies for the job.  He shall have the leverage to deny employment to a new staff member who refuses to corporate with the mission and vision of the church.  Any member of the church may nominate or suggest a new staff member, who must fit the qualifications of the position and must be placed into office according to Article 6 of the church by-laws.



 The qualifications for deacons are as outlined in the book of Acts and in the Epistle of Paul to Timothy and Titus, which we find in 1st Timothy 3; 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:15; and Titus 1:6-9 and Acts 6:3-8.  


 The number of people serving in the office of Deacon shall depend on the needs of the church, with the said number being approved by the church.  The relation of the deacons to the church membership shall not exceed one (1) to every twenty five (25) church members.


 The deacon shall be elected to serve for a four-year (4) term.  During the yearly reelection, at least one third (1/3) of the deacons must be reelected.  


The deacons can be nominated by any church member or the pastor himself and follow the nomination procedures and the qualifications before the name of the person appears on the ballots.  Every person that was nominated must receive a letter that explained why or why not the person was or was not considered.  No more than two (2) candidates shall be placed on the ballots.  There shall be an elimination process that is being utilized by the pastor together with the deacons and the Administrative Team.


The election of deacons must be conducted in the annual meetings in accordance with Article 6.  After being elected, each deacon shall receive a copy of the book, “The Ministry of the Deacon.”



 In order for the deacon committee to exist, the church must elect a minimum of five (5) deacons.  The committee shall compose of a chairman, assistance chairman, secretary, and the group of leaders.  In order to have the five deacons, they must be elected in accordance with Article 9, Section II.  If the church does not have enough members to elect five deacons, the pastor and the Administrative Team will assume most of the responsibilities of the deacons.

 2-             THE MEETINGS

 When the number of deacons reaches a total of five members, they shall form the committee and meet regularly each month.


  a. The deacons are responsible to organize, count and deposit the tithes and offerings.

  b. All special offerings shall first be approved by the deacons and all funds from such collections shall pass through the hands of the church treasurer for proper accounting. 

  c. The deacons are responsible to organize and pass out The Lord’s supper together with the senior pastor and the other pastors.

  d. The deacons shall serve as a council of advice and conference with the pastor in all matters pertaining to the welfare and work of the church.

  e. The deacons together with the pastor are to consider and formulate plans for the constant effort and the progress of the church in all things pertaining to the saving of souls, the development of Christians, and the extension of the Kingdom and its growth.

  f. The deacons are to establish and maintain personal fraternal relation with all the church membership.

  g. The deacons are especially to seek to know the physical needs, the moral and spiritual struggles of the brethren and sisters and to serve the whole church in relieving, encouraging and developing all who are in any such need.

4-             THE VACANCIES

 When a vacancy occurs, the deacon committee or the pastor or the administrative team shall recommend to the church an ordained deacon to fill the unfinished term.  The vacancies can be one of which described in Article 6, Section V.


The Administrative team of the church will serve as the administrative advisory arm of the church.  It will assist the pastor in the selection and evaluation of staff; the construction of a yearly budget; conflict management within the church; and other administrative matters.  It will provide support to the senior pastor.  It is also be responsible for maintaining the direction and vision of the church.

 The Senior Pastor is directly responsible to the Administrative Team.  It holds the Senior Pastor accountable for its conduct, vision, and morality.  In the event of the loss of the Senior Pastor, the Administrative Team will assume the responsibilities of the pastor and appoint a pulpit committee to find a suitable candidate to present to the church body at large, for replacement.

Each member of the administrative team must be both an active member and a former or current leader of the church for at least two consecutive years.


Criteria for selection to the administrative team are as follows: a) spiritual maturity; b) understanding of the vision of the church; c) church membership; d) availability in terms of time and resources; e) current service in a ministry position in the church; f) management skills; g) ability to maintain confidentiality.


The administrative committee of the church will consist of a minimum of five to seven (5-7) persons.  The Administrative Team during its meetings will determine the actual number of members.


The Ministerial Committee will serve as a platform to unite all the ministry leaders of the church in the followings:

  • To protect the church against ministry conflicts

  • To foster a team environment for a common goal

  • To promote more balance decisions among the leaders of each ministry

  • To offer an accountability system for the leaders

  • To encourage constant evaluation of the leadership and ministries’ effectiveness

  • To critic the programs and the monthly and yearly events of ministries

  • To participate in the growth of all the ministries of the church


 The ministerial committee is composed of the ministry leaders and assistant leaders of the approved ministries of the church.  After being elected by the members or nominated by the senior pastor to become a ministry leader, you are automatically enrolled into the Ministerial Committee and it becomes a requirement to participate in all its meetings as long as you are holding on to that leadership position.

 The elected or nominated leaders must participate in our regular meetings on the fourth Sunday of every month.  If more than three (3) absents in a year without a reasonable excuse, you automatically forfeit your leadership role in your ministry and lose the privilege to participate in the ministerial meetings.


 The Ministerial Committee will be composed of the leaders and their assistants from the following ministries:

1.     Administrative committee

2.     Deacon Board

3.     Worship, Music & Creative Art Ministry

4.     Education Ministry

5.     Prayer Committee

6.     Evangelism and Visitation Committee

7.     Audio-Visual and IT Ministry

8.     Event Planning & Hospitality (Loisirs) Committee 

9.     Usher Ministry

10.  Finance Committee

11.  Budget Committee

12.  Secretarial Team

13.  Men Ministry

14.  Women Ministry

15.  Youth and Young Adults Ministry

16.  Children Ministry

17.  Elderly Ministry

18.  Married Couples Ministry

19.  Transportation Ministry

20.  Cleaning and Maintenance Ministry

21.  Family Zone

22.  KidZone (Sunday Child Care)


 The church will maintain the following records and reports:

1 -        Adequate and correct books and records of all accounts (financial records) and all official documents

2 -        Minutes of the proceedings of its members, the Administrative Team, and the Directors of the church

3 -        A record of its members, giving their names, addresses, phone numbers and family profiles

4 -        Contribution statements for the contributors


New bylaws may be adopted or these bylaws may be amended or replaced only by the affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the votes represented at a duly held meeting of the members in accordance with Article 6 of the church by-laws.