Meet the needs of married couples spiritually, socially, culturally, intellectually, financially and sentimentally (sexual needs). Help individuals grow together. To bring together the married couples in the church through fellowship in a well-structured Christian environment.
1) To become better men and women of God *(Joshua 22:5)
2) To become better husbands and wives *(1 Corinthians 7:1-40)
3) To become better parents *(Proverbs 22:6)
4) To provide nurturing and support to the married couples and their families
Plan to meet goals and objectives: Engage the group in bi-monthly meetings as well as several activities such as:
o Annual dinner/banquets
o Annual retreats
o Book clubs (3-4 books/per about marriage and parenting)
o Dinner cruise
o Celebrate wedding anniversaries
o Couple of the year (list of qualifications needs to established)
o Recreational activities
o Cultural Activities
o Museums
o Talent shows
Section 1: Membership
a) To become a member, you must attend at least TWO consecutive meetings
b) Contribution during membership meeting will be welcomed but not mandatory
c) Meetings will be scheduled as the need arises and members will receive advance notice
d) As a Christian ministry, we must always uphold Christian ways and discipline as well as maintain professional mannerism
e) Must be legally married based on biblical terms
f) Application may be subject to rejection if members do not meet the marital status
g) Make an effort to participate in spiritual growth activities
h) Members must be committed to any ministry he/she participates in
i) All members are required to fill out pre-membership application
j) Membership meetings will be held bi-yearly
Section 2: Election of Committee members
a) Candidates of committee shall be elected based on good standing
b) Committee members will serve a minimum of two (2) years
c) The Board of officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, and Advisor(s).l consist of namely the President, Vice-President, d) In the event the President falls ill, deceased or unable to fulfill responsibilities, The Vice-President will fill the position/until a replacement has been decided
e) E-Board meetings shall be held monthly (Every 2nd Sunday)
Section 3: Expectations of Committee members
a) Building a relationship with God as ONE unit (husband and wife)
b) Create an environment for the married couples to fellowship with each other
spiritually, socially and mentally.
c) Spouses will be required to assist committee members
d) Committee is required to prepare a report on progress/activities every month
e) Each committee member should display respect for one another by strictly abiding by their roles and responsibilities
f) Each committee member is required to read, sign and receive a copy of a confidentiality agreement in regards to personal information that is shared among the group.
Section 4: Qualifications for Committee members
a) Members must be a Christian, converted and/or baptized
b) Have to be a member of First Shiloh Baptist Church
c) A good standing marital status
d) Live an exemplifying Christian life
e) Demonstrate spiritual growth
Section 5: Roles/Responsibilities of each positions
• Is the spiritual leader directing policy and controlling all married adults and sub-committees based on the principles of the church.
• Chairs meeting with preparation and keeps the team on track while disciplining warmly. Fosters balanced decisions and avoids hot arguments. He pauses for prayer and seeks Gods mind over disagreements.
• Makes sure committee meets regularly and prays frequently.
• Is the chairman of most meetings making introductions and presenting topics and guest speakers.
• Is familiar with other duties and is always willing to help.
Vice- president
• Always prepared to take on roles and responsibilities of the president when needed.
• Announces programs briefly at public meetings and events.
• In consultation with president prepares agenda for SMCM meetings and circulates to board members in advance so they can mentally be prepared.
• Calls for regular committee meetings with proper notice.
• Works closely with the president and vice president, properly taking notes at every SMCM committee/members meeting and events.
• Safely keeps the minutes book, membership registration and SMCM records.
• Reads previous minutes for a sense of direction and to avoid previous mistakes.
• Gives advanced notice to all SMCM members of upcoming meetings and events.
• Keeps honest accurate and efficient account of all monies pertaining to SMCM.
• Acknowledges all monetary gifts received.
• Provides financial management by advising the committee members how money received should be spent.
• Maintains account books.
• Provides monthly financial report.
Public relations
• In charge of advertising various activities and events to First Shiloh Baptist Church and community as a whole
• Is the voice of the group publicizing all of SMCM events.
• Is responsible for recruiting new members and motivating current members, as well as emailing minutes from all meetings to members.
• Oversees the committee, making sure everyone is working in their role properly and efficiently.
• Offers advice whenever necessary to help maintain SMCM.
Prospective Committee for 2013
*President: Alfred Lafalaise
*Vice President: Berlyne Vilcant-Etienne
*Secretary: Jeany Sulpha
*Treasurer: Betanie Ministre
*Public Relations: Guirlene Jeune
*Assistant PR: Joslin Pierre
*Advisors: Suliane Therlonge-Vital and Carol Darius
*Mentor: Pastor Jacob Vital
Prospective Committee for 2018
*President: Alfred Lafalaise
*Vice President: Berlyne Vilcant-Etienne
*Secretary: Medvine Sequin
*Treasurer: Guirlene Juene-Prince
*Public Relations: Stael Dumesle
*Assistant PR: Joslin Pierre & Zagalo Prince
*Advisors: Suliane Therlonge-Vital and Carol Darius
*Mentor: Pastor Jacob Vital, Maestro Rene Jeanty, Pastor Perry Tima
Section 6: Biblical Verses:
1) Genesis 2:18- Not good for man to be alone, God makes a helper
2) 1 Peter 3:1-6: Wives being submissive to their husbands
3) 1 Corinthians 7:1-40- Biblical laws for a husband and wife*
4) Romans 12: 1-2- Present your bodies as a living sacrifice to God and be not conformed to the
patterns of this world
5) 2 Corinthians 6: 14-15- Do not be bound together with unbelievers
6) 1 Timothy 5:8- Not providing for your household is like denying the faith
7) Proverbs 22:6-Raise a child the way he should go and he will not depart from those teachings*
8) Titus 2:4- Women loving their husbands and children
9) Ephesians 6:4- Fathers not to provoke children
10) Ephesians 5:25-Husbands love your wives as God love the church
11) 1 Peter 4:10: Using your gifts to serve God
12) Deuteronomy 13:4- Keeping God’s commandments and serving him
13) Joshua 22:5- Love the Lord, walk in his way, obey his commandments*
14) 1 Chronicles 28:9- Serving God whole-heartedly